Cassette Club

Sabino Gonz lez is resident dj and promoter at Cassette Club, one of the hottest rooms in Madrid, Spain.

He strives to provide sparking sets every weekend. His dark and elegant techno is what conquer Cassette’s public over the years. Those who have witnessed this perform will note his skills to connect with the people and to get them totally involved. He also has an amazing understanding of how to adapt his music to the circumstances. He possesses a unique technique and a wonderful music selection.

Sabino Gonz lez is resident dj and promoter at Cassette Club, one of the hottest rooms in Madrid, Spain.

Press Kit

Get in touch!

For any info, availability and requests regarding Sabino Gonzalez, please fill up this form with your contact details and plans by clicking the bottom above and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
